19 October, 2011


My first topic is one which may be slightly overdone but there is a lot of lore surrounding it.
Most cultures have legend about vampires, but they do vary a bit.

Where there is the glorified Hollywood version with it's sexy allure, the legend of the vampire has been commercialized to appeal to a broad viewing market. In other words, it's been warped from something that used to be genuinely feared into something of curiosity.

It's well known that there are several movies and novels revolving around this legend, and most of them contort the legends too.

One of the few things that relates all the legends to do with vampires is their need to feed on blood. Even sunlight isn't a sole problem in all the lore. Speed, strength and an amazing ability to heal are common attributes given to such a creature, but again, it's not the same in all legends.

Within Romanian mythology vampires are known as Strigoi. These are considered as troubled spirits that are rising from their graves, but they can also be living people. With this lore they are seen as immortal.

Whether you prefer the Hollywood version or the more traditional thoughts, the legend of the vampire is wide spread and well known. Many think they know exactly what a vampire is but never spare a thought for the origin of the idea.

18 October, 2011


Hello everyone.

About this Blog

To supply information on folk lore, mythology and legend to anyone who wishes to know more. Also to assist with research of said topics or even point people into the right direction.

As an avid writer I often try research lore on things I'm writing about. I've come across web pages that are very useful and others that are only marginally so. I would like to consillidate all the information I find into one easy to use place that supplies the ability to access further information if desired. I'd also like to supply the ability to place feedback or request subjects to be written about as well.

About the Author:
I'm a dedicated fiction writer whose works centre around the subjects of this blog. I am forever developing my research and writing skills and hope that I can use these skills to help others. I come from a large family who is very close knit and works together well 98% of the time.
My interests include music (mostly Rock) and pretty well anything that revolves around the supernatural genre.
I have another blog at: http://alyssa-hill.blogspot.com/
(please check it out to see what else I write about and to view extracts of my writing, both original works and fan-fictions)

Last Words:
Thank you to everyone who takes the time to look at any of my stuff and I hope you enjoy it or find it useful.